Everything Kaye...Lifestyle Q&A
Hi! welcome back to my blog, I thought a fun thing to do tonight, would be a lifestyle-fashion Q&A!
Question: Do you have a favorite designer?
Answer: I've never really focused on labels, that doesn't mean I don't purchase them from time to time. I would say my biggest pet peeve is dressing like everyone else. Or focusing on what's in season this year. So if I had to choose one I would have to say Chanel, I love classic.
Question: What are your favorite accessories?
Answer: Belts, I love belts and scarves!
Question: Favorite style or brand of shoes?
Answer: Boots-Sporto and Cougar boots are the most comfortable to me. I don't wear heels anymore so a good flat is great.
Question: What are your three must have wardrobe pieces?
Answer: Black flats(loving my Vera Wang flats), Sunglasses, a jean and a black leather jacket.
Question: What is your last great fashion discovery?
Answer: long maxi dress with jeans and a white t-shirt.
Question: Hairstyle choice?
Answer: I love my natural hair. I've grown it shoulder length and rock a lot of styles, but I did the big chop last year because I enjoy growing it out doing different styles in the process.
Question: Favorite scent?
Answer: I'll give my high/low, Bath & Body Works for daily use, right now I'm loving the Rose Water & Ivy. My Chanel 5 for a nice dinner out and going to a Broadway show(I see two a year lol) or vacation.
Question: What small personal pleasure do you treat yourself to?
Answer: Pre Pandemic I would sneak to late movies with a blanket and eat hot buttery popcorn and candy.
Question: Morning Beauty ritual?
Answer: Not much, I'm 48 and I pass all the time for early 30's. I wash my face with Dove soap and I brush my teeth while exercising on my Confidence Fitness. This is my favorite time of the morning.
I hope you enjoyed this Q & A! I'm not a fashionista or anything but I am a women and I like to discuss beauty and fashion every now and then.
TIP: Wear what you like and feel comfortable in. I hate seeing people walk around uncomfortable. If I walk out the house and I feel physically uncomfortable I go back in and change. Invest always in a good bra and undies, we have no excuse for not knowing our size these days. There's still places that will size you and social media influencers will help you. Nothing you wear matters if your canvas isn't together.
Be inspired by Everything Kaye!
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