Everything Kaye...Spring:Be Inspired AT HOME.

 This is usually when we start our spring cleaning. You know, deep cleaning the walls and carpet. Rearranging furniture and decluttering the house. Freshing up our surroundings! We rid ourselves of things that have lost their usefulness. But if you're like me, we have had plenty of time during the pandemic to do all these things. I heard on the news a few months back that the Goodwill had requested that people stop dropping items off. They were backed up. People were just leaving loads of household goods. 

So since the majority of the job is done, let's check in with some of the rearranging we've done. How are the new the organizational designs working out? As we start utilizing the new areas, we might find that some are just not working with our families lifestyle. Maybe the kids can't reach something or maybe a shelving unit doesn't allow a door to shut completely. 

I've had time to be in the new space and I can say no matter how cute it was, some things  didn't work well in the space. Have you noticed that you still have too many small appliances? How about making a list of all the small appliances, and have everyone mark each time they used each appliance. Check list in 3-6 months, is there any you didn't use? Time to get rid of it. Donate it or do like me gift it to one of your adult children, or niece/nephew. I promise they will appreciate it!

My daughters family lives a couple cities over. I thought it would be nice to have my grandsons toys out and available for his visits, well I noticed they were in the walkway, so I decided  to keep them under the bed in a stackble plastic container. Then when he visits I place them in a small wicker basket in the  living room. He loves seeing his own toys out when he visits! 

I found a Lazy Susan last year at a flea market, I planned to use it in kitchen but decided it would be of better use under bathroom sink. I noticed I would have to pull out the whole basket to look for a particular cleaner. This way I just turn the lazy susan around.

Sometimes we do things out of habit. When I moved to my downtown apartment I displayed the same large dry erase board, we used to keep the families schedule on track.  I realized I didn't need it as much or needed one that large anymore. I still wanted to scribble notes on it, so I purchased a smaller one at Home Goods, that works perfect inside kitchen cabinets door.

I read a lot in bed, and sometimes I get hungry. But if I go to the kitchen I'm liable to make a whole 20 piece chicken meal lol. So I have a small dedicated area on my bookshelf loaded with healthy snacks. With my bathroom directly off from my bedroom to brush my teeth, it's been a great addition to my bedroom.

I know we all did a little extra food prepping this past year. But as things return to normal and restaurants open, we'll go out a little more often. Some foods will reach their expiration date before you can use it. Now is the time to familiarize yourself with your local food banks, and what food they accept. Check expiration dates and seals. Donate the food to help families in your community.

Time to update your recipes. Do you have any new ones? Are you burnt out on others. Time to pick up a new cookbook, and gift the old ones. I have one cookbook that I can't live without! 

The Good Pantry-Cooking Light Cookbook

The book contains homemade foods and mixes. Two mixes that have made my life easier and brighter are the pancake and muffin mixes. I'm never without breakfast because this book shows you how to make them in bulk. You can add a variety of fruits and nuts to change it up!

Be inspired by Everything Kaye!


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