Everything Kaye...Day in the Life of a Writer.

 Hello, welcome back to Everything Kaye!

Hello this is Everything Kaye, come follow me on this new journey in my life. Two years shy of my 50th birthday, I've decided that it's now or never. Follow my blog and read some of my mini stories(a way to hone my craft).

Ever wonder what a first time author day looks like? What their morning routine is like? Here's your chance to follow a writers journey from the start, to finally publishing their first book.

Have you ever wanted to be a fly on the wall of a writer? What do they do all day? How do they process ideas for their stories? You've come to the right place! Follow me as I work towards the goal of publishing my first book. 

Day in the Life of a Writer

Everything Kaye!!!

Be inspired by Everything Kaye!


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