Everything Kaye...Storytelling
Rapturous Vacation
Nola had just moved here from Beckley, West Virginia a year ago. We met at a Stylist Gala, we became friends instantly. My seating place card was mixed up with hers so we decided just to sit next to each other and switch the paperwork. We didn't pay attention to what the speakers were saying that night. We started chatting and exchanging stories and pictures of our kids. At the end of the night we promised to call each other the following the weekend. Of course as parents of five kids between us, it was closer to a month when we talked again. But after that initial call we talked everyday for two years.
That's when I suggested we should come down and visit. I had some time off from work and the kids had to go to Florida to be with their father so we could meet up halfway and exchange the kids and then I can spend time with her. The kids went to Florida every year for three weeks in the summer and it will be a perfect time to come visit. As we drove down I thought this will be a little mini vacation for me and the kids, I had researched a couple museums for us to go to and we were staying at a resort that had a pool, some ponds for fishing and even golf, this would be a nice trip for all of us.
We drove for about three hours before the kids began to get hungry and they were tired of eating the little snacks in the car so we decided to stop at a restaurant. As we got in the car and started driving we were about an hour out before my daughter noticed that she had left her favorite sunglasses at the restaurant. She began to cry when I said it was too late for us to go back. I promise that I would buy her another pair. I told the kids that I had found a museum online that we were going to stop and see some cool stuff, it had a car coming out the side of the building, like one of those quirky little museums on tv.
That seemed to please her, we drove there and as I pulled in I didn't see any cars so I thought I would try the door. Online it said it was open during these hours but what I quickly learned about West Virginia and small mom and pop stores and museums run by the locals, it may be open and it may not. I looked through the old the dilapidated wooden door while turning the cold rusty door knob . I looked at my hand it was slightly red, I rubbed it on my jeans and looked through the window. I gave up when I realized there was no light on. Walking slowly back to the car looking back at the little yellow car sticking out the side of the building. "Sorry kids it doesn't look like it's open." This little vacation was not off to a good start. As we drove away I noticed a young lady walking and I decided to stop and ask her if the museum was going to be open today.
"Not today ma'am, my grandma not up to it."
"Oh", I said very confused. "Will it be open tomorrow?"
"Not sure,maybe", she said as she started strolling down the road again.
I gave up and we drove on, we were about an hour away from the resort. I didn't want to intrude with my family on Nola so we decided to book two nights at the resort. The resort seem like it would be fun, everything will be in one place and we wouldn't have to drive around. As we passed a park the kids wanted to know if we could stop and play, so we decided to stop and have a picnic. It will be a good way to finish off a lot of the food that we brought down from Ohio, the kids kind of slept the majority of the trip so there is a lot of food. Nola had planned a family breakfast for us, a way to introduce us to her family.
The parking lot was set up on a hill and you had to walk down from the parking lot down a rocky path that led to the playground and the pond. As we finish eating my oldest daughter asked for the keys to the car so she can retrieve her book and her journal. She was at that age where she thought she was too old to play on the playground. My youngest daughter Olivia was walking around eating her cheese curls.
She yelled, "mom look geese!"
"Don't get too close to them Olivia."
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Srecko Skrobic/Upsplash |
"But I'm feeding them mom."
As I turned around she began to run and scream, the geese had attacked! I'm running after her but I can't catch her. I see my son climbing up to the top of the jungle gym, I yelled for my oldest to come help me but she just shakes her head slowly, to terrified to move. I decided quickly to throw more cheese curls everywhere hoping they would stop chasing her because she won't drop the bag. Which at this point is probably empty because she's running around in circles shaking the bag at the geese.
It worked they stopped chasing her and started fighting over the cheese curls that were on the ground. Holding her under one of my arms I climb up to the top of the jungle gym. As I was trying to catch my breath, I look down and she was still holding the empty bag. I snatched it from her and throw it down to the ground! When I search again for the car and my daughter, I see her on the roof of the car. Soon a gentleman appears, I remember seeing him fishing on the other side of the pond; he's talking to the geese and waving his pole side to side pushing the geese on. We are finally able to climb down from the jungle gym and go up to the car. We get in the car, lock the doors and I start the car, nobody says anything. I look in the rearview mirror and start backing out. Olivia ask can she have more chips. We burst into laughter!
Earlier as we drove down the long driveway as we enter the resort we passed some more ponds, my son gets excited and ask can we go fishing? I tell him yeah, I read online that you can rent fishing supplies and equipment so we can go tomorrow. The next morning around 5:00 a.m. my son and myself climb out of bed, get dressed, and head out to the pond. We see a little wooden shack where you can get fishing equipment and worms; we get our supplies and we head over to the water. The small cultured pond was calm, the only ripples were our lines slipping down into the deep green water. We caught and released about two small fish.
"I'm getting hungry, we better start back."
"Yeah, me too! I hope the girls are dressed, because they take forever," rolling his eyes.
The drive over to Nola's house wasn't that long. The kids jumped out of the car running and hugging her kids like they've known each other their whole lives!
"Nola, the table setting is beautiful."
"Thanks, my mom came over early and set the table while I cooked."
As she squeezed the life out of me she said, " I hope your hungry."
"I sure am", as I squeezed her back.
I had called Nola from the room(the bathroom phone actually), to tell her about the park incident, we laughed for hours. We had to bring her parents up speed on what had transpired, and we laughed some more. Her dad had been more reserved till I told the story about the Great Geese Chase, he laughed till he cried. I told Nola how beautiful West Virginia was and she said but I've been thinking about moving up north. I think my career will blossom more in a bigger area. I told her we would love to have her, my salon could use a colorist like her. She said she'll let me know after the next school year, if she was going to move she wanted to move before Sarah started high school.
The weather was kind of cool when we left the room to go to Nola's house for breakfast but it was hot and humid when we came back to the room.
"How about a swim?"
They begin to run and jump on the bed, all excited. My son ran in the bathroom to put on his swim trunks. I told them don't be too loud, I know the resort is not full because there are still building it out but there are still other guests. We had gotten a discount on the room because they were still building the resort, we were staying in the presidential suites, each one were named after a president; we were in the George Washington suite. As we started walking over to the pool area with our swim bag and towels I noticed that everyone was walking around with blue towels, we had white! Oh this is one of those resorts where they have pool towels.I told my son run these towels back to the room. They were a little confused, but I explained to them later that there were towels that guests use at the pool area and you don't have to bring your towels when you go to certain resorts or hotels. They thought that was pretty cool but I think I liked it the most. No wet towels to drag back to the room to lay out or to request for new towels so to me it was wonderful. Nola, her kids and her mom came to the resort to say to say their good-byes, while we packed up in the morning to leave. We hugged, I told her I was going to miss her and she said the same. Sarah and my daughter exchanged addresses so they could pen pal each other, she promised to send Sarah seashells from Florida.
The exchange with the kids went well, I told them to have fun and I would see them in a couple weeks. As I drove home I thought of my friend Nola and her kids, we were both trying to make our way in this world. Both newly single and each with a new career. Our little ones watching every step we make. It's nice to have someone that understands the life you have been given without judgement, but with encouraging cheers. Most people think if you receive a gift, it's a physical present but the greatest gift I could get in my life at that time was the gift of friendship. My life was going to be a little easier with Nola center stage with me!
Friendship can be the greatest gift you can receive or give in this life!
Who is that gift in your life?
Be inspired by Everything Kaye!
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