Everything Kaye...Writing Q&A
Writer's Life...
Hello! Welcome to my blog! Everything Kaye! It's time for another Q&A!
Question: When did you know you wanted to be a writer?
Answer: Well I've always been a writer but I didn't know I wanted to be a "writer". Like a career in writing or an author. I've always been a person to write everything down. I write down my feelings, things I've learned, studies from the Bible, so I can go back and reflect on it. I have journals all over the place, but two year ago I asked the Father what he wanted me to do, and he said write. How do I know I can be a writer? I have no background in English or Writing. I went to sleep and I woke up at 3:00 in the morning and I wrote for 6 hours straight and it was actually really good and that's when I knew I was going to be a writer.
Question: How long do you think it will take to write and publish your first book?
Answer: I have a goal set but not set in stone.
Question:Where do you get your ideas for your stories?
Answer: Life, that's the easy answer, especially doing hair for 20 years you hear so many stories and meet so many personalities, It gave me ideas, probably for a lifetime. But I also get ideas for my stories from music and from people watching.Your imagination can be used for good or evil.
Question: What do you like to do when you're not writing?
Answer: Watch Audrey Hepburn movies, I really enjoy movies set in the 1950-1970's. I couldn't tell you any tv shows or movies that are more recent. I also enjoy listening to my record player and skating at my local skating rink or outdoors. I've decided I want to learn Spanish and or French(enough French to visit the French speaking areas of Canada), and how the play the guitar.
Question: What does your family think about you writing a book?
Answer: Easy, they don't know. My adult children know, it was hard to keep it from them, because now I have large blocks of time that is no longer available to them.
Question: What surprised you about writing?
Answer: How much revising you actually do. Sometimes it's whole paragraphs or a complete chapter. It may look like it's going to work but when I read it again with fresh eyes, I know it has to go!
Question: As a child, what did you want to be?
Answer: I wanted to be a teacher. I always made my siblings and my friends play school. I was the teacher, I had my desk and I graded their papers.
I loved it! Family talked me out of being a teacher, saying there was no money in it. I went to school for nursing and hated it. I dropped out and went to school for Cosmetology. The great thing about teaching, you can teach anything, anywhere.
Some questions, we can't answer until the writing has come to fruitation, but as a writer we have to prepare to answer these types of questions. What would your answers be?
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