Do you have Everything you need?

  Unpacking Everything You Need

When I decided to name my blog Everything Kaye, it was revealed to me that I already possessed everything I needed to be successful. At first I researched what degrees the best writer's possessed. What was the least amount of schooling I could get away with? I wondered within myself, if I could be a successful writer.

Then God started to show me, that I already had everything I needed, and if I needed more.  He would give it to me, when the time came.

I'm learning that God will instruct and teach you as you move in his will.  There's nothing wrong with going to school. But the Father can take you and a Bible and do many and all works. And you don't need lengthy knowledge or lengthy preparations, but  a willing heart will do! God can do more with someone with a willing heart than someone with all the degrees in the world. It just depends on what path he wants to take you on. He can use someone that's never finished high school to write a book, even a  bestseller!

 Now did I feel like I had everything that I needed to successful? No and at times I'm still not 100% sure. But I keep writing. I've learned when what I'm writing makes no sense to me, it's my greatest accomplishment.

So as I continue to create and I continue to write, I lean more on knowing I have everything I need on the inside. I unpack old memories and past lessons, that I need for today. I've learned how to accept my daily bread. Accepting daily bread brings peace and contentment in your life. 

Remember everything we want, does not equal everything we need. Desires for our wants can turn into an all consuming fire; raging out of control. 

Social media places wants continually in front of our eyes. You start to see the reflection of amber flames in millions of watchers. The flames of top creators, best sellers, exploding businesses, and of course, material possessions.

 Wants will consume you, that's why we must separate our needs from wants.Weekly, I write out what my family needs, then I write down my monthly  wants. Funny thing happens, my needs are always supplied, and that makes me happy and content. Eventually, when I pull out my want list, I noticed something; I have no desire for most of them anymore. Even though I wanted it and I felt like I had to have it. I now have no desire for it, now that my needs have been met. 

I see I can accomplish what I've set out to do, even if I don't have a degree. Now whenever a want has been supplied, I received it happily and gratefully. 

God has supplied all your needs according to His riches (Phil. 4:19). You are rich with more than enough knowledge...and wisdom. This journey won't be easy, but your needs have been met. 

You have Everything!

Be inspired by Everything Kaye!


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