Reflection: My thoughts on Newsbreak.

 This month is the anniversary of my first year with Newsbreak, an online news app, that boast itself as the the world 's number one news app. So how did I become a Contributor for Newsbreak? For years I have watched YouTubers, from hair(which was my first obsession), then lifestyle, and then on to relationship channels and home decor and my favorite channel, Apartment Therapy. But I've mostly had a love affair with NYC since 2017, when I gifted my daughter a trip to New York, which she ended up hating. Til this day, I still don't know what she actually hated about it. I think she had a fantasy about the city, that did not deliver. Anyways, after that first trip, I came home and immediately paid for another trip, with the same company that took us. Sadly , they went under after the pandemic. But while I was waiting for the second trip to happen, I started following New Yorker Creators. One of my favorite became a wife from Brooklyn, and her journey through life in the city. I loved her format, because it wasn't over the top. Just a family in realtime living. And since I wanted the "real" New York experience, she was my go to. In one of her videos, she mentioned she was an contributor for Newsbreak, but I didn't know what that was, so I decided to check it out!

God...I'm tried of being a Hairstylist, I really want to do something else. I heard something inside me say, write.

She made videos, I wasn't sure if that's something I wanted to do, but I knew it paid so I continued to do research, that's when I noticed that you could write articles or post videos, or both. Right then I knew I would right articles. So has it been worth it? Honestly, not financially so much, as fulfilling. I really enjoy writing the articles about the state of Ohio. But the lifestyle articles are by far my favorite, because I love helping others. Now financially, I love the fact that it is a stream of income, and I truly believe that if I keep working, something will come out of it. If it's only helping me hone my writing skills. Maybe a few freelance jobs will come from it. You never know. I know it won't take ten years( a number from a influencer that made $1 million this year), to establish myself as a author/writer. I'm enjoying the journey. I even have a schedule up in my office, to keep track of my posting schedule. Going from being on no platforms, to having a schedule, still shocks me! 

If your on the same or similar journey, keep typing away, something will grow, it always will. 

Everything Kaye 


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