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Frederico Giampier/Unsplash |
One of my favorite television shows is the Andy Griffith show. I love all kinds of shows, mostly shows on MeTV and Antenna TV. I was told that I watch the old reruns over and over again because it's comforting, and helps with anxiety, due to over traumatic life experiences. Nothing changes from beginning to end, everything is solved in 30 mins; unlike "real" life. But the more I heal, the less I watch them. And here lately, I've gone weeks without watching episode after episode.
Does this mean I don't love the shows anymore? No on the contrary, I love them even more, because they taught me life lessons. These 30 minute problem-solving stories, helped me raise children, plan vacations, find hobbies, plan meals, and more. It's said, that the top episode of the Andy Griffith show, is when Opie kills the momma bird with a slingshot. That was my top one til recently. And for the record, the funnest episode to me was when Barney bought a "new" car. The way Thema Lou says, Barney! when the steering wheel comes floating up, is the best part! Sometimes, I just think of the episode, and find myself saying it, in her voice.
You would think that I'd have watched every episode over the years, and in all honesty, I believe I have. But some episodes stand out more; as you have more life experiences. It's like when you buy a new car, and before your purchase, you never saw your make/model or color. Now you see it everywhere. I really think I compartmentalize this episode as, Imaginary Friend. But this last time, when I watched the episode, Mr. McBeeVee. I heard and felt something new. When Andy became upset with Opie about all the things he was bringing home, and saying Mr. McBeeVee (his imaginary friend , as his Pa and Barney believed he was) gave them to him, he told him to go to his room. Andy then tells Aunt Bea, that he believes Opie has started to tell lies, and the only way to stop it, is to spank him. He then goes upstairs, and tries to give Opie one more chance to tell the truth. Now Opie knows that Mr. McBeeVee is REAL, but he doesn't want a spanking, and he doesn't want his Pa mad at him.
They're siting by the window, and Andy asked him one last time, to just tell the TRUTH, and say..."Mr. McBeeVee is not real, I made him up". Opie fixed his mouth to just go ahead and say it, but the he stops and says, Pa, he is real. I could go on but you can watch the episode to see what happened. What clicked for me, was no matter what the consequences were going to be, Opie couldn't lie about something he knew was true. And he tried real hard to lie, just so he wouldn't get a spanking, and he and his father could make up. But he stood his ground! That's a lesson I needed. No matter how people try to convince you, stand on the truth. I think Maya Angelou said, The true don't need no help! And I will not fix my mouth to lie, when I can just tell the truth. Now this is not easy, and actually, it's been difficult for me. Over the years I've tried to protect people, like my children from pain, and "play nice" with others. But I'm learning it's going to be hard, rather it's the truth or a lie, so I'll have to stand on truth.
I'll always watch these old television shows, I love them. I wanted to go see Betty Lynn, in Mount Airy, but the Pandemic happened, and then she passed away. I cried the whole day. I am a nostalgic junkie. I even looked into moving there, that way , I would be close to, "My Hometown", Mayberry. And the final hometown of Maya Angelou, in Winston Salem.
Be inspired by Everything Kaye!
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