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Frederico Giampier/Unsplash  One of my favorite television shows is the Andy Griffith show. I love all kinds of shows, mostly shows on MeTV and Antenna TV. I was told that I watch the old reruns over and over again because it's comforting, and helps with anxiety, due to over traumatic life experiences. Nothing changes from beginning to end, everything is solved in 30 mins; unlike "real" life. But the more I heal, the less I watch them. And here lately, I've gone weeks without watching episode after episode.  Does this mean I don't love the shows anymore? No on the contrary, I love them even more, because they taught me life lessons. These 30 minute problem-solving stories, helped me raise children, plan vacations, find hobbies, plan meals, and more. It's said, that the top episode of the Andy Griffith show, is when Opie kills the momma bird with a slingshot. That was my top one til recently. And for the record, the funnest episode to me was when Barney bought ...

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